I know I need to get back to blogging, but I have kept busy with many other things... and besides, I don't have easy access to the internet (so that's my best - albeit weak - excuse)!
I have been working on a website for the new church. It's far from complete (very much a work in process)... so I could use your input as I continue to walk down the path of starting a new community of faith in Ellensburg, WA.
Thank you everyone for your positive encouragement and prayers. Since we've found a place to rent (as of August 17), I promise to get back to blogging regularly (and letting everyone know how things are going in our new life).
Good to hear from you and know you and the family have living quarters. :) I'm am going to be starting the process of planting a church here in Chicago, so we'll probably be comparing notes soon.
Tell The Wife and The Kiddos I said hi. And give them hugs and kisses from me. I still miss all of you a lot.
Welcome to Ellensburg! I've been following your incredible jouney to the "Burg" after hearing about you through NW District sources.
Wow, it's down right exiting that the church I grew up in is setting down Missional stakes intent on serving and reaching out to a Post Modern culture.
I've read your blogs and some of your suggested links (like Emergent Nazarenes) and there's a thread which clearly emphasizes accepting, welcoming, and ministering with a "come as you are" stance. This is really a radical departure from the prerequisite of, "come and join OUR cuture...conform to OUR rules."
If your philosophy is anything like the Acts 29 movement of which Mars Hill (Mark Discoll)is a part of, my oh my!
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