This week's focus book(s) to read is: 1 & 2 TIMOTHY
I re-learned something recently that I already knew intuitively. Fasting is a great spiritual discipline, but a lousy way to lose weight (in the long run). Many of you already know, just less than a couple of weeks ago I completed a 40-day fast, whereas I only drank water, juice, broth, and a lot of yukky tea and some other distasteful things. And I lost 30 pounds in the process. But here's the kicker: since I started eating again, I've gained much of it back already... yep, I'm growing the gut again. :-( Oh well, that's because fasting as a diet is a really lousy, rather unhealthy way of shedding weight. During the famine you lose weight (though not at first, since your body goes in to starvation mode)... but eventually it comes off. However, during the feast you gain it back again in a great big hurry!
Man, I really do want to get into shape. I want to look better, feel better, and live life more fully by getting into good physical condition. But more than that... much, much more than that - I want to train myself for godliness - and consequently, teach others how to receive the, "promising benefits in this life and in the life to come." I am not a perfect person... far from it. But God has called me to grow and mature in my faith, and passionately encourage others to bear down, to breathe deeply, and discipline themselves to do the necessary hard work so they can walk in the narrow path... the path of holiness... the Way of our Lord and our salvation... the resurrected life.
Thank you, Cole, for constantly and continually reminding me of my need to feed on the Words of God daily... and spend enough time in prayer to really and truly hear what He wants to whisper into my ear. You indeed are my Timothy, as well as my son.
I firmly believe that losing weight is more about paying close attention to eating a balanced diet (less carbs in my case)... moderating the portions (listening to my body)... EXERCISE... and frankly, giving my health/vanity over to God (recognizing it first and foremost as a spiritual battle). All of those things are key if I ever want to lose the gut once and for all (and perhaps live longer too).
Want to know the truth? I kinda do the same thing with Daily Bread too... that is, I have a feast or famine approach to chewing on the words of Holy Scripture. I might go a few days without reading a word... then spend several hours immersing myself in seeking what God has to say to me through the stories of His people. Why am I like that? Why do I starve myself for awhile, only to piggishly slop around in it later? Wouldn't a more mature approach be to marinate my soul (to continue the food analogy) in the Word daily... tuning my ear to God's Spirit, and seeking to know the will of God through an intentional, disciplined time of prayer?
6 If you explain these things to the brothers and sisters, Timothy, you will be a worthy servant of Christ Jesus, one who is nourished by the message of faith and the good teaching you have followed. 7 Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly. 8 “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” 9 This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it. 10This is why we work hard and continue to struggle, for our hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all believers.
Man, I really do want to get into shape. I want to look better, feel better, and live life more fully by getting into good physical condition. But more than that... much, much more than that - I want to train myself for godliness - and consequently, teach others how to receive the, "promising benefits in this life and in the life to come." I am not a perfect person... far from it. But God has called me to grow and mature in my faith, and passionately encourage others to bear down, to breathe deeply, and discipline themselves to do the necessary hard work so they can walk in the narrow path... the path of holiness... the Way of our Lord and our salvation... the resurrected life.
Thank you, Cole, for constantly and continually reminding me of my need to feed on the Words of God daily... and spend enough time in prayer to really and truly hear what He wants to whisper into my ear. You indeed are my Timothy, as well as my son.